Security leak in Java library: tuomi not affected


tuomis software is not affected by the security leak in the java library Log4. We are monitoring the situation and inform our customers if necessary.

Security leak in Java library: tuomi not affected

A few days ago a security leak in the Java library Log4j became public. tuomi does not use Log4j. Therefore, our own software applications are not affected.

Third-party products are reviewed by the respective manufacturers. Of course, we are closely monitoring the developments and will inform our customers in case additional measures become necessary.

Beware of update requests by email!

Currently, criminals are sending out emails with alleged update information, especially for Java. Do not click on links in emails from unknown senders. These realistic looking Phishing mails contain malicious links. In the worst case, malicious software is downloaded to your network. If you have any questions or are unsure about an email, please contact us.