What does the museum audience want?

What does the museum audience want?

The soon-to-be-published article by Christian Gries and Johannes Bernhard on the "Digital Audience" poses the important questions of visitor orientation, evaluation and measurability of the use of digital mediation offerings (www.museumsmanagement-online.de). One can be curious.

With our digital solutions, we always offer the possibility of collecting and evaluating usage data, even for media stations. What can we learn from this?

The Stadtmuseum Simeonstift worked with us to develop a media station for one of the most important exhibits in the museum, the painting of legendary city history: The Trebeta Painting.

This media station allows visitors to explore and understand the detailed and complex painting in different levels of depth.

At least, that was the curators' intention. But was the goal achieved? Was the appropriate content made available?

Usage data provides important information

To find an answer to this question, the curators at the City Museum evaluated the usage data of the media station.

Our media stations are designed in such a way that all actions performed at the station are tracked. Thus, it is possible to make a great deal of statements about the real usage of the station. Not only the number of users, but also the ratio of languages chosen, how often which immersion levels were called up, when usage was highest, and much more. This data allows for a more accurate record of whether and how intensively a media station is being used. And in this case, the data once again clearly showed: Multilingualism trumps all!

The City Museum will use these insights gained from the data we provided when designing the next media stations to best meet the wishes and demands of the users. In addition, this data will help formulate the right questions to ask users and non-users should a survey be planned. Some things can be determined on the basis of the data, and the question of "why" can now be followed up with pinpoint accuracy.

By the way: Existing offers can also be optimized without further ado; with our station, this can be done virtually at the push of a button.

You want to find out more about our media stations - including the one with NFC functionality?

Feel free to contact us: mail@dorengo.com