tuomi - intuitive IT solutions

Patient in hospital room using a tablet.
Patient in hospital room using a tablet.


Consulting team discussing project plans at the whiteboard.
Consulting team discussing project plans at the whiteboard.


A customer looks happily at his smartphone.
A customer looks happily at his smartphone.


Museum visitor viewing an exhibit with an audio guide.
Museum visitor viewing an exhibit with an audio guide.


Technician checking a network with her laptop in the server room.
Technician checking a network with her laptop in the server room.

IT & Cloud

future-oriented IT - intuitive, innovative, sustainable

tuomi offers you complete software solutions, IT support and cloud services. Our portfolio covers everything from standard software to customised solutions for medical products, museums and target group-specific marketing. We always focus on the user and do everything to make our solutions user-friendly and intuitive to operate. We provide you with reliable support - from design to consulting and implementation to ongoing support. It’s all right here.

We are committed to improving the quality of life - by developing meaningful applications that make life easier and richer.

Intelligent WebApps

Build excitement! Together we can develop unique promotions that turn customers into loyal fans.

New, exciting promotions and games that make collecting points fun and are sure to bring back customers again and again!

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